Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Specialists, would you rather & Bent River

I would just like to note that I had a great day today for no real reason it was just a great day!!

Here's to "That’s because Claire you have my fav-ORR!!”, playing would you rather all day, “Today I made and threw my first snowball at Rachel, then later on today I made and threw my second ever snowball at Rachel!”, John v’s Josh beard/mustache growing competition, “Would you rather punch… “ dying Gareths hair, “Radio Check”, Orienteering specialists, Alice finding the flag, “I would eat its tongue!, no Rachel eat its dung not its tongue!!”, dressing up to play capture the flag, my settler’s battle with Josh, “It’s ok I’m a trained professional!”, driving to Toronto in a blizzard, Matt buying me a pie, Arlene’s good night hugs, watching BBC Planet Earth with Alice, Arlene and Hannah, to the title of my next blog being- Pretty, huge, massive announcement!

Pictures: View of the Lake at the weekend top one includes the boat house, us prepared for battle against the boys in capture the flag then Bex and I at Bent River.


At November 13, 2007 8:29 am, Blogger emma said...

Good suspense Kirk!


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