Friday, September 28, 2007

Weekend Banter

Myself and a few friends went to Toronto for the weekend. Always nice to get out of the zoo for a few days. It was banterous beyond belief!! We mainly just chilled at Amanda’s house watched dvd’s, slept and went shopping.

Here’s to awkward turtle moments, the different stages of the awkward turtle, bbq at John Matthews house, winding down the window for air only for there to be a woman there who said hi (awkward turtle moment!), Arlene and I having continuous competitions, “I’ll rock, paper scissor you for it!”, “What’s your name? Jane, Jane? No Jane, aye Jane? No Jane, Jane as in J-A-N-E? yes jane… aye jane! No Jane… ok I’ve an accent I’m saying the same thing as you!”, If I had not decided to stay on until Christmas I would be on a flight home right now!, John being surprised I could keep up with him driving back up the road, Tim- “So if I marry Claire Ill be in good relations with New Zealand?!” Claire –“NO”, Melissa: “No I will not climb in the oven!”, the van getting stuck on the sailing beach!, the return of Wayne, our pizza eating competition, organizing a girls wrestling competition, me winning 3-0 of my current matches, having to go a mid night trip to Toronto in a thunder and lightly storm, to getting lost in Toronto during a thunder and lighting storm at 3.00am, to having the radio station up and running again, one of my kids having a little accident while mountain biking, “your face!!”, running a half marathon on Sunday and driving into Huntsville tonight reminiscing about the summer.


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