Sunday, September 16, 2007

Driving and running

I’ve been doing a fair wee bit of both lately. It seems that when you’ve been at Muskoka Woods a while and you are a good worker, you get more responsibility and with responsibility comes trust and trust comes keys to the vans and cool new pick up trucks!! I’ve driven to Barrie a few times, the airport and was sent to Toronto this weekend so get furiture from Ikea and was intrusted with the Muskoka Woods credit card!. I was very pleased with myself when I was able to drive myself right to Lindsay’s door, stayed the night there then went to Ikea Saturday afternoon. I have to go back down to the airport on Monday to pick up Bex, hopefully 3rd time lucky nothing will go wrong I’ve already documented my first airport trip, the 2nd one I was told Claire arrived in terminal 3 so there I am doing laps and she is in terminal 1, then when I eventually found her, she had lost her luggage and had to go back to terminal 3 to try and find it. So 1.5 hours later and at least ¼ tank of petrol less we were finally on our way back up the road with no luggage.

My half marathon is in 2 weeks, I ran in an organized 10k race today to raise money for cancer and I have shaved 20ish minutes off my last recorded 10k race so was pretty happy its nice to see that my early morning efforts in the gym are paying off. If this half marathon goes ok and I’m in the country in May I think I might attempt the full Belfast Marathon, if not maybe the full Toronto one if I’m back here, who knows what’s in store for me…

Here’s to driving through the Mc Donald’s drive through singing along to My girl at the tops of our voices, for the first time to date driving onto the left side of the road, Arlene wreaking herself on the bike in the gym, convincing everyone that Arlene’s bike injury was in fact the marks from a Raccoon attack, michelle and Jono coming to visit, activites being cancelled due to a bear sighting, Matt Pearce and I trying to find the bear, being in charge that night when another one was spotted and having to REALLY go look for it, Joanne, to the woman at the Starbuck drive though telling us way to much about her life story, recognizing teachers and kids that came up to camp last year, Lindsay diving over the boxes on the back of the van, saying goodbye to Tom, break testing the van so Lindsay went flying forward, to running in the rain and to Boston pizza.

I have to say I’m pretty happy with my regular updates un like some… *cough EMMA cough*

Picture: Something to mark Tom's departure & Bex and I at the Ho down dance the last night of classic.


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