Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dinner, weekend & a hunt

I have to say I love my new job… Thursday night was the annual fundraising dinner which I have to organizing for next year. It was great to be able to start the week running up to it so I can experience it first hand and see what is expected of me next year. It was good to see some old friends and to meet some board members and people I’ve to work with.

I came back up to the woods at the weekend. I’m so glad I did. Last Friday before I left as a staff we did Secret Angels. I thought since I would be down in Toronto my angel would have an easy time of it but I was wrong! When I arrived on Friday night I had a note in my pigeon hole with a code on it to lead me to another code. I spent all Friday night and Saturday going all over camp looking for people, places, solving puzzles and jumping through a few hoops it was a lot of fun, the last message was I could have my prize or continue next weekend obviously I chose next week. It’s been great fun especially as a lot of the staff are in on it helping my angel. I’m looking forward to what they have in store for me next weekend.

Here’s to sliding down the tubing hill on skateboards at 1am, waking Arlene up, Alice screaming when the birds flew out of the trees, Arlene thinking she saw 2 bears on the way up to B3, “Don’t talk to Don, talk to Robin”, Matthew Robert Zinc, seeing my first moon dog, going to the Christmas Bizarre in Rosseau, the Bulk food store jokes, the best thing since sliced bread, continually taking the longest road from Josh, radio banter with Don, watching Heroes with Matt, “You’re the big T!” The return of oatmeal raisin cookies and to looking forward to going to work tomorrow.


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