Monday, November 27, 2006

"Anyone heard of Sprucedale?!"

We had worship at our staff bible study for the first time on Thursday night. We got everyone to either make or bring a musical instrument and four people lead worship and asked for everyone to join in with singing and playing along whenever they felt comfortable. We had people beating drums with brushes, fruit bowls with spoons, violins and a instrument made with tin cans, a tent pole and toilet paper it sounded amazing when people found their groove and we as a community were playing together. Afterwards we played some games including my favourite Empire!!
Fall contract is now officially over although most of us have signed up to work an extra couple of days doing odd jobs about the woods before we clear off. Had a great evening last night we left just after weekend clear up into Huntsville for dinner and Walmart. On our way home we or should I say Mike thought would be a good idea to see if we could find an ulterior route home so we took Muskoka road 2 instead of 3. It started off a pretty main road until it began to get just a wee bit wider than the road my house is on for all of you that have been. Jokes started about it becoming a dirt road and sure enough it wasn’t long until we were on dirt road and by now we were committed no turning back! We then started following the cars in front at crossroadsor playing rock paper sissors to decide which direction until we found a hick town called Sprucedale. Went into the local B&B and got directions back to Rosseau we were a good hour in the wrong direction before we even hit roads we knew. Was such a random drive we were in the middle of know where but all the houses had big elaborate Christmas lights it was great craic.

Here’s to 20 questions, Alias, “Did you just wake up? I wish I just woke up!”, accidentally scaring Terri and her falling over, “SHOTGUN!”, to Mike firing the ball at us as hard as he could in Dodge ball, pilling 8 people into the 3 seater pick up truck cab, “Is it something made of the statue of liberty?” Yelling at the top of our voices at Woods lake, the many stars at woods lake, Brenda banging her head on the window about 11 times!, blueberry bagels and to having the morning off.


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