Saturday, January 28, 2006

Seriously... what are the chances?! - Small small world!

I was invited to a dinner/party thing downtown Milwaukee tonight. Within a few minutes of arriving I had met a girl from Ukraine who not only knew people I knew from both Kiev and Xhmelnitsky but also Alison Daniells from church!! I came back and told Dana [The dad] who informed me of the '6 degrees of seperation' theory in which every 6th person will know you, know of you or knows someone who knows you and I had just put it down to being a small world! Not to sure about the 6 degrees of seperation maybe it would just occour in your localish area or at least in your country if it was small not on the other side of the world- but who knows!

Tonight I also became slightly addicted to around the world table tennis, with the object being to run around a table tennis table hitting the ball back and forth. You start with 3 points and everytime you miss it ir dont hit it properly you lose a point! When you lose all 3 your out until there is only 2 people left. Who then have their 3 points fully restored and play until 1 of them loses all their points. At one point there was about 12 of us playing/trying to run round the table ina very confined space- was pretty funny! I started off pretty bad at it but once the addiction started and I played more and more I got better. Just need to find someone at home with a table tennis table!

In reference to Paul's comment a few posts down... My accent is holding out fine, no american twang and I'm even spreading the northern irish phrases- i.e the craic is 90!


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