Friday, May 06, 2005

Shear disbelieve…

For all those who know and love me you’ll appreciate this story and will feel the distress I was in and I’m sure you’ll laugh: I was at work today, I approached 2 female customers after they had been browsing for a few minutes like most people they wanted the best phone at the cheapest price. I explained that we were an impartial phone company and sold all networks but for what they were after Virgin network would be best. Then to my horror the youngest of the woman turned to the other and said… “What do you think? You could be a virgin all over again!...” The other woman started to reply “Oh I’m 65 its been over 40 years since I was a virgin…” by this point I was in so much mental distress and in shear disbelieve of what was happening that I just walked off… Like seriously- I was a complete stranger! Why would they feel it was necessary to me inform me of such things!


At May 07, 2005 2:27 am, Blogger gary said...

That is very funny Rachel, I'm sure you will get over the truama.

At May 09, 2005 10:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rach, im laughing so hard in the internet cafe, people are looking at me like ive lost it! , jo

At June 04, 2005 11:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Rachel! The joy you have brought me by posting this message is infinite! I hope those ladies come back - I would love a 'part 2' of the story!


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