Monday, June 25, 2007

More N. Irish, the giant bruise on my arm & 16298

Its all systems go here at the woods, 300 new staff arrived on Friday. It hit that for all these new people coming it is the start of something new but for me and a few others it’s the beginning of the end as I start my forth and final season at the woods! I have to say it made me pretty sad. Among the new staff are a few Northern Irish- great to hear the accent again, chat and of course work out people we all know, great banter. Its sweet to have been here all year, to know all the full time staff and to go into the summer with fellow O Rec staff, the full time staff are more lenient, than they are with just summer staff, and its good to know people in a huge crowd like this and to be in the know as to how things run.

As I’ve said before I’m running the shop this summer, I met the 12 staff on Saturday that I will be working with. We started training with a few team building games, then got stuck into some real work getting the shop ready. We have already painted the shop and priced a lot of the clothes etc but still a lot to do before the first ‘Super Saturday’.

I moved cabins and am now living in Hazelwood which is pretty much at the opposite side of camp to where I was living before. I have a double room with my friend Lauren which is pretty good as all the other rooms have 4, 6 or 8 people in them!

Here’s to the dumb and dumber finger/arm point, Tom getting his lip pierced, Bex dying her hair black and pink, my roller blade/ mountain bike exploits with Lindsay and co in the wee hours of the morning, to staff number 16298, my eye constantly twitching, “Oh now he IS nice!”, Spring summery- “The BA craic was 90, oh no she didn’t, Just kidd’n.. eeennndddd scene!”, getting up at 5.30am every morning, crashing the golf cart into the side of Hazelwood [my house] and wreaking my arm,My briuse is the slightly smaller than the span of my hand!, My tuck cart is not as nipping or having a tight stering to what I was used to with the O Rec cart!], Bex asking me to be her one to one this summer and to going to Florida in a month!!

Pictures: Just for a wee bit of fun and to sizzle up the blog. Top we have myself and my good friends Kariss, Ponchie and Lauren. Bottom is Myself and Lauren.


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