Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Don't you love it when you remember about a film you watched when you are younger and just have to watch it again?! [Well I do!] Usually the answer lies at ebay.com [Love it!] I recommend 'City Slickers' to you. It's about 3 friends going through a mid life crisis and decide the cure lies in a holiday herding cattle like real life cowboys. Very funny film. My favourite line- "NO I HATE YOU MORE... If hate were people I'd be CHINA!" Currently on route from ebay is City Slickers 2!

My second review type thing is the Da Vinci code by Dan Brown. Was always very scepitcal [If thats the right word] about this book. But since Gordon was speaking on it in church on Sunday and also with the release of the film I decided how can I make an opinion on something I know very little about. So Tescos for £3.99 and the book was mine. Read it in 3 days flat could not put it down. The best thing about the book was the mixture of fact and fiction done well enough that I can understand how people believe that it is real. I'm not going to ruin it for you by telling you what the 'it' is. But you should read it for yourself. This will be the 1st time I've read the book before watching the film. Lets see if it'll be the old saying of "The film was'nt as good as the book"

Enjoy my friends


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