Friday, August 19, 2005

A love for the box set

I always thought that TV box sets were a waste of money- what’s the point of buying something that was on TV? But I have recently discovered a love for the box set… Over the summer I have made my way through The OC box set season 1 [soon I will own season 2- oh the over whelming excitement that is within me!] 24 box set season 1 & 2 soon to be 1, 2 & 3.
My love for the box set is 3 fold:

1. You can sit and watch episodes back to back all day
2. You can revisit favourite episodes as you wish and have marathon days [Fellowship all round!]
3. You can share the love of the box set by lending it to someone who has not yet experienced the joy of it. [Which is how I discovered the greatness that is 24 when Lois lent me her box sets]

Sad I know but you’ve got to love the box set. Especially when you are a student and have a long summer!


At August 22, 2005 4:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do have to agree with u kirk am in love with box set. Looking forward to r OC marathon on wednesday


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